Category java

Importance of ThreadLocal in parallel execution of test cases

Executing test cases in parallel sounds interesting and when we want to implement, it looks very easy as we just need to update some settings in the TestNG XML file....

Take screenshot when Selenium/Appium fails using Java

When it comes to debugging the failed test cases in selenium or appium having a screenshot of the web or mobile application can be very much handy. 99% of the...

Category appium

Importance of LogCat logs in Android automation test execution

In any software or application logs play a vital role. When something goes wrong in the application, logs are the first place one will check to find out what exactly...

Take screenshot when Selenium/Appium fails using Java

When it comes to debugging the failed test cases in selenium or appium having a screenshot of the web or mobile application can be very much handy. 99% of the...

Category selenium

Importance of ThreadLocal in parallel execution of test cases

Executing test cases in parallel sounds interesting and when we want to implement, it looks very easy as we just need to update some settings in the TestNG XML file....

Take screenshot when Selenium/Appium fails using Java

When it comes to debugging the failed test cases in selenium or appium having a screenshot of the web or mobile application can be very much handy. 99% of the...

Category Jekyll

MarkDown styles

We are prone to let our mental life become invaded by legions of half truths, prejudices, and propaganda. At this point, I often wonder whether or not education is fulfilling...

Category Algorithms

Category Java

Category Appium

Update LogCat buffer size

LogCat is a command-line tool provided within android SDK tools that dumps a log of system messages, including stack traces when the device throws an error and messages that you...